
Showing posts from January, 2019

"I Have A Dream..." Speech Assignment

    Martin Luther King Jr. uses metaphors in his "I have a Dream..." Speech. "This sweltering summer of the Negros legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality." King compares the legitimate anger of African Americans to sweltering heat and freedom and equality to invigorating autumn. "I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice." He is referring to Mississippi, a state where some of the worst offenses against blacks are mostly being carried out. By specifying the states in the south, Dr. King wishes hope to those who are suffering.      Dr. King uses ethos in his world famous speech. "Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation." This shows that not only Martin Luth

Vocabulary Words

Blunders: A stupid or careless mistake Absurd: Wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate Incongruous: Not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something Mortification: Great embarrassment and shame Superiority: The quality or condition of being superior Gratuitously: Without good reason, unjustifiably Septuagenarian: Of the age 70 years between 70 and 80 years old.  Frolicking: Merry play; fun Inconsistent: not staying the same throughout Jeering: Making rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice People     In the world we live today, nobody is perfect. We are incongruous . Most of the time, we blunder and when we make them, we learn from them and not make the same thing again. Some of the things we do may seem very wise and smart, but sometimes they are more likely to be absurd. There may be times where people, including me, have mortification  about certain things we tell other people or certain things we just feel so

American Dream

My idea of the American Dream is living my life how I want to live it. If I want to have a crazy,  then let me live it. If I want to. have a non-crazy life, then let me live it. It's my life and nobody else's. I don't have to be wealthy in order to live my life. I can be in between poor and wealthy the rest of my life and die a happy individual knowing that I pursued my dreams.


“Broken” One year ago, I met someone special to me. He is tall, dark skin, and chubby, Just like I like them. On April 21, I started to talk to him.  On April 28, I claimed him as mines. Day by day, The bond got stronger and stronger. As it continues, the bond was unbreakable and unstoppable. We always had a good time together. Laughing, talking, playing, Going out mostly every Saturday And sometimes Sunday. We both love to ride out and eat 24/7. We promise each other to: stay together forever, have a family, Get married, and live life in happiness. Months ago, A terrible thing happened. Come to find out, I got cheated on With somebody else. Even worse, he didn’t tell me… Somebody else did. That person told me right before band practice. I didn’t want to believe it at all, But I had no choice but to believe it. Got home from practice, worrying and crying nonstop. Conversation was long, hard, and heartbre

What I Learned, What I Need to Work On, and What I Want to Learn

One thing I learned from 1st semester is how to properly write an essay. Beforehand, I used to write whatever came to my mind. The essays Iwrote before were all out of order. Some of the information did not make any sense and I did not do good on them. Now, I know how to properly write one. One thing I want to work on is finishing my essays in the amount of time that I have. Previously, on my argumentive essay and my synthesis essay, I have never finished them. I never got passed the third paragrah on both of my essays. I take forever trying to figure out what comes next and I end up losing track of time. One thing I want to learn is making my writing become a reality because I would love to my wtiting turn into a movie, based off me and my personal thoughts and feelings.