Vocabulary Words

  • Blunders: A stupid or careless mistake
  • Absurd: Wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate
  • Incongruous: Not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something
  • Mortification: Great embarrassment and shame
  • Superiority: The quality or condition of being superior
  • Gratuitously: Without good reason, unjustifiably
  • Septuagenarian: Of the age 70 years between 70 and 80 years old. 
  • Frolicking: Merry play; fun
  • Inconsistent: not staying the same throughout
  • Jeering: Making rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice


    In the world we live today, nobody is perfect. We are incongruous. Most of the time, we blunder and when we make them, we learn from them and not make the same thing again. Some of the things we do may seem very wise and smart, but sometimes they are more likely to be absurd. There may be times where people, including me, have mortification about certain things we tell other people or certain things we just feel so ashamed about. Some people's sense of superiority make them look very foolish. People make decisions that are gratuitously. Some people that are septuagenarian can be very jeering, or rude. Younger kids, as in infants and toddlers are very frolicking to other kids around their age. Lastly, depending on the job, customer service can be so inconsistent. 


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